5 Ways My Wife and I are Preparing for 2024

My Friend - Happy Tuesday,
It’s January 16th, how fair you in your New Years resolutions?! I didn’t make any, but I have one goal. One MAIN goal that is.  CONSISTENCY.

“Consistently good is better than occasionally great.”  ~ Unknown

I don’t know who said that, but I first heard it from Nick Bare of Bare Performance Nutrition. If you don’t know who he is I 10/10 recommend him! He recently ran a sub 2:40 marathon sitting at around 200lbs of near solid muscle.  Insane.  That was my favorite quote of 2023 and lead to me realizing that consistency is one of my greatest weaknesses.  My goal for 2024?  MAKE IT ONE OF MY BIGGEST STRENGTHS.

On to the body of this letter about goals and preparation in and for 2024.

5 Ways My Wife and I Are Preparing for 2024

Anticipating a potentially…exciting year with the upcoming election, my wife and I discussed different ways that we could be more prepared for difficulties outside of our control. Whether those be civil unrest, economic recession, foreign war, or less globally catastrophic things like unexpected illness, loss of a job, or family struggles.  We want to be positioned for success no matter what comes our way, and these are five things we are working on to do that.

  1. Establish ourselves more financially.  Not achieve perfect financial freedom or wealth but get further down that path than we were last year.   Two primary reasons why (besides the obvious) this is so important to us now.

    a. To be more self-reliant and thus harder to control.  Being desperate for money makes people desperate.  We don’t want to be desperate in any sense of the word.

    b. Build a legacy to leave for our children.  Creating, managing, and passing on generational wealth is a beautiful thing that has been on both of our hearts to do in the past.  We’re now pursuing it more than ever.

  2. Buy ammo before prices increase.  Ammo prices are most likely to as much as double this year making training more difficult and stockpiling significantly harder.  The sooner we can get on this the better.

  3. Build local community.  Being self-reliant and capable as an individual or individual family is extremely difficult.  Coming together with like-minded locals makes that much easier.  There are two main types of community that we are intentionally investing in:

    a. Men with whom I can train with using firearms.  In the possible worst-case scenarios, I want numbers in my phone of men that I trust and know are capable with a firearm.  Best case scenario, we simply encourage and enable each other to get better.

    b. Relationships with local businesses and farmers.  Practically speaking we are going to be going to the local Farmer’s Market on a regular basis to get to know business and farm owners.  If supplies run short and shelves are barer, being tapped into local sources is a viable grocery and food option.  And helping them stay in business is an added benefit.

  4. Talk to my family.  This point is how this list came about.  My wife and I sat down, discussed, and planned our goals for and things we would like to invest our time in this year.  Being on the same page is paramount.  Working together to come up with and execute a game plan is key. You can’t do it alone.

  5. TRAIN.  In fitness and firearms being CONSISTENT to better ourselves and become more capable.  These are two huge points of focus for me this year, but I also want to give attention to encouraging my wife to train and help her learn how to shoot.  When I asked my Instagram community what their goals for 2024 were, I would say 90 percent of them were to shoot and workout more.  This isn’t a New Year’s resolution; this is a lifestyle. 

Closing Thoughts

In previous years I have always set goals such as “hit X weight on deadlifts,” “achieve a sub 1 second draw,” “run a marathon,” etc. My goals this year are very different.  Exercise (run and lift) EVERY DAY.  Dry fire EVERY DAY.  Read and journal EVERY DAY.  If I somehow make no improvement in any of those things but become much more consistent, I will take that as a win.  If you want to follow my journey and join this community, check out my socials below and feel free to send me an email.  I look forward to a better year together.

Be Civil, Stay Savage,



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Armed with Gratitude